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Sunday, April 19, 2009

What is hope?

2 Corinthians 5:1

What hope is there in this life? Why do we get out of bed each day and do the things we do? What drives you to keep on? Money? Fame? Good looks? You will get old, your money will get spent, and your fame will get passed to someone younger and new. So what then drives you? What will give you hope as you lie on a hospital bed a few inches from death?

My hope is built on nothing less than Jesus' blood and righteousness. God who before the mountains were formed purposed to send his son for you, wants you to know that there is hope. He promised that all those who come to him will find peace and rest. He promised that He will go before us and make a place not built with human hands, a place that cannot be destroyed, a place that cannot be described for its magnitude and wonder is beyond our imagination. This place he says we can one day come to if we will but believe.

There are times in our life when all seems dark and gray. Those days when we have failed again, when we have let our loved ones down, or when we have lost something dear to us. Yet, we have a friend who will be there for us. A friend who cannot die, and a friend who brings us life. When we walk through these valleys we need not be afraid if he is with us. His hands are strong and there is none on earth or in heaven that can take us away from him.

One day we will stand before him. On that day we will give account for our lives. If we have believed HE, he himself will welcome us home.